Saturday, October 1, 2011

Public Relations

Monet's ex asked her to keep an eye on his baby while he went to Cancun with his new bride for their honeymoon. Well, she didn't want to seem like she was bitter with him or anything, even though he DID dump her for Deja after they were engaged for three years... so she said yes.

What was she thinking? She didn't even like kids! And what was she going to do about her job? The kid wasn't enrolled in nursery school or anything; Deja was a stay-at-home mom. Shit.

She decided she'd just take the baby to work.

In the cab, the baby spit up all over her black Alberta Ferretti suit. This could not be happening. She worked for one of the most prestigious PR firms in Chicago... and her most important client was coming in to meet with her today.

She stopped at a building close to the tower her office was in and brought the baby with her to the ladies' room. An older heavier lady was cleaning the restroom when she walked in.

Monet placed the baby in a sink and began removing the regurgitation from her jacket. The lady said, "No, you can't put that baby in there like that!"

"Look lady," Monet said with an attitude, "I don't need you giving me shit. I got a ten-o'clock with a very important man, I don't have time to be all nurturing and shit right now, alright? You wanna back off?"

"I beg your pardon. Let me help you." The lady scooped the baby out of the sink.

"Whatever." Monet looked at the tender way the lady handled the baby and she came up with an idea. Not a very well thought out idea, but an idea nonetheless.

Read the rest here:

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